
Valuation, Business Analysis & Planning 

Preparation and critical review of the business plan

As part of your external growth or your management requirements, we assist you to prepare or thoroughly review your business plan. We analyze the projection of sales with respect to market trends and the consistency between sales growth and evolution of the cost structure. We also proceed to study the different market scenarios of your business by determining, through the necessary statistical approaches, the main parameters that influence the evolution of your business.

Market analysis

We assist you to collect, analyze and understandmarket data: market size, segmentation, market shares of competitors, prices and evolution.

Financial modeling

We assist you in building complex financial models. These models are used for simulating possible business scenarios, for sensitivity analyzes and for evaluating the profitability of projects.

Estimates in the fiscal and asset fields

As part of your reorganization operations (acquisition of business units, divestments of intra-group branches), we prepare the necessary estimates to support the transactions and make them reliable from a fiscal and patrimonial point of view, allowing us to determine the key elements and their value in case of sale or transfer.

Estimates in the accounting field

We support to consolidate the estimates used for the purpose of closing the financial statements: purchase price allocation, impairment test, stock option plan. We assist you in evaluating of intangible assets (e.g. patents, trademarks, licenses, goodwill) for the purpose of sale or legal protection of rights.

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